Block access to distracting and inappropriate sites. Lock out spam and the viruses it often contains. All while creating a safe, welcoming and more productive work environment.
Our Services
Overview and Value
Companies move ahead when their employees use technology in a positive way. That’s where Open Approach’s content filtering proves its value. Limiting users’ access to certain sites and throttling bandwidth increases work performance. Blocking spam reduces another big distraction and prevents viruses from entering your system. All of this helps keep your network healthy, promoting a safe, appropriate work environment.
The best thing about Open Approach content filtering is that it doesn’t get in your way. Whether it’s a network-wide request or a granular one, we find the ground between freedom and function. Our intelligent filtering system can completely filter out inappropriate content and sites. We can keep individuals from accessing sites such as Facebook and YouTube. And we can shut out spam. Best of all, the system has a nearly non-existent footprint. That means your workstations can cruise at the speeds they were built for.
Looking to learn more?
No matter what IT problem you’re trying to solve — or what you need to prepare for long-term, we’re here to listen. We specialize in distilling complex challenges and solutions into concise language that every stakeholder can understand. And we do everything with an eye toward our ultimate goals: to increase your IT security and reliability, improve your efficiency, and keep your team and customers happy. Sounds good to you? Let’s talk!