There’s no perfect answer to securing your network, but Open Approach can help you implement the security layers you need to help protect your network.
Our Services
Overview and Value
Security continues to be the biggest conversation every company faces, and the number one question that always comes up will be “How can I better secure my network?” Unfortunately, there is no single solution. Everyone needs a custom solution to secure their network. But like every problem, there are a million ways to help better protect your network.
To help your company answer the question of securing your network, Open Approach implements a Multi-Layered Security approach. Known as the “Security Onion” each level of defense compliments other layers enhancing the security of your overall network. Different layers that can be addressed are policies, procedures, awareness, application security, network security, perimeter security, etc.
Looking to learn more?
No matter what IT problem you’re trying to solve — or what you need to prepare for long-term, we’re here to listen. We specialize in distilling complex challenges and solutions into concise language that every stakeholder can understand. And we do everything with an eye toward our ultimate goals: to increase your IT security and reliability, improve your efficiency, and keep your team and customers happy. Sounds good to you? Let’s talk!